军事 Leave of Absence Policy


Alfred University recognizes that its students who also serve in the armed forces (Reserve & National Guard soldiers either fully matriculated or part-time at AU), hereafter referred to as “student service members,” may be required to satisfy military obligations during the academic semester. These obligations may include scheduled trainings and/or unanticipated mobilizations, including disaster relief or wartime deployment. This policy covers the academic procedures for supporting these students.

教官应该与学生服务人员一起工作,这样他们就不会因为履行军事义务而受到惩罚. 所有学生服务人员必须参加全年的强制性军事训练, potentially conflicting with a course meeting times. 这些学生和他们的老师应该共同努力,通过必要的替代作业来弥补错过的课程,以达到课程的学习效果. 学生有责任在学期第一周与教官讨论任何预定的强制性军事训练冲突. 其中包括在课程开始后的短时间内分配额外强制性培训的可能性. 教师和学生应确定是否可以作出合理安排来完成课程作业.

一般, students should plan their academic schedules around courses that will not conflict with their mandatory military training; however, in some cases this may not be feasible. 未经教官许可,因军训而提前缺勤的,不得超过每门课程课时的五分之一. Please note, any prescheduled service time not indicated on a mandatory drill schedule (i.e. special military courses and schools) will count towards the 1/5 absence cap. 文件必须以军事命令或同等文件的形式提供给皇冠体育app军事和学术教练, to whom all AU student service members are assigned.

学生服役人员可能有意想不到的义务军事活动,导致他们缺课很短但持续一段时间, 30天以内, 在课程期间. These absences may include orders for disaster relief or other state or national emergencies. Such absences may range from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the type of duty student service members are assigned. These absences qualify as “excused absences,” which means that the absence, with proper documentation, is not subject to penalty. 这些意外缺勤将不计入已安排的1/5强制性军事训练上限(见上文). Any missed coursework may be made up through agreement between the instructor and the student. The instructor should assume that due to the nature of the duty, the student will be unable to complete coursework during these absences.


  • 由老师和学生安排的补习作业,让学生有机会赶上进度,而不会落后于当前的课程.
  • 请假前要求补上旷工,以减少回来时的旷工. 另外, the student may request to make up all the missed assignments upon returning to campus.
  • 学生回来后, the instructor should provide the appropriate time period to complete assignments. 如果需要扩展, the instructor and student are to discuss what an appropriate time frame will be.
  • 在某些情况下, 如果缺课超过1/5的上限,学生可以选择“I”(未完成)或“W”(退课)。. 学生和教师将根据课程目标和学生成功的最佳机会采取计划. 建议的计划将尽早在非盟军事和学术教练处注册. Since an incomplete grade can affect a student’s GI Bill tuition benefits, 在要求不完整的成绩之前,学生应该咨询非盟军事和学术教练或GI法案认证官员.

In the case of a longer military activations or deployments, 学生服务人员必须咨询他们的学术顾问和非盟军事和学术教练, 谁将与教师协调,根据缺课时间长短和完成学期的百分比确定最佳的行动方案. Some resolutions are listed below. 在所有情况下, 应该假定长期休假将禁止学生完成任何课程.

  • An alternate method to complete coursework, including online engagement, is appropriate for students who are enrolled, have completed the majority of a course, and wish to complete the course. Such coursework should be agreed upon by the student and instructor, and the plan should be registered with the AU 军事 and 学术的教练.
  • An incomplete is appropriate for students who have completed at least a quarter of the course, but must take a long-term leave of absence due to military activation or deployment. The student’s intention is to finish the course, but they will be unable to before the end of the term. If the student elects to receive an “I” (Incomplete), 学生和教师将在出发前制定完成课程的行动计划, which will be registered with the AU 军事 and 学术的教练. 学生必须在下一学期结束前完成指定的课程作业,除非计划要求更长的时间. Regardless of the grade, the student will be financially responsible for the course. Since an incomplete grade can affect a student’s GI Bill tuition benefits, 在要求不完整的成绩之前,学生应该咨询非盟军事和学术教练或GI法案认证官员.
  • 如果学生在学期的退课截止日期后选择因服兵役而退出课程,他们将获得“W”分,并且可以在服兵役后重新进入大学时重新学习该课程.
  • 如果学生在学期的某个时间点离开,之后已经提交了大量的工作, the student may request the assignment of a grade for course hours completed. This option requires the agreement of the instructor as well as the college dean.
  • 对于在学期开始前被激活或被部署到军队服役的学生,皇冠体育app认为适当地给予非盟的休假. This leave-of-absence will be submitted to the dean of the student’s college. Standard leave-of-absence procedures will be followed. Upon reentry, the student will follow the college’s reentry procedures. 军事 & 学术的教练 will be included in the notification.

学生服务人员有责任在学期开始前就任何因服兵役而安排的或可能的缺勤与所有导师进行协商. 这些信息将以书面形式提交,以确认对政策的理解以及学生和教师之间的情况. The student will provide their drill schedule to the AU 军事 and 学术的教练. The student must also remind instructors of any absence a week prior to the absence. If a student is being called away for military activation or deployment, 学生必须尽快向非盟军事和学术教练提供他们的订单副本. 学生必须事先与他们的每一位老师做出安排,并就任何遗漏的工作制定行动计划. 学生有责任在他们和老师设定的时间内完成约定的工作. If the student does not compete the work according to the timeline, penalties may include a failing grade.

课程教师负责与学生服务人员安排一个最能满足课程要求和学习目标的行动计划, while endeavoring to give the student ample opportunity to complete classwork, including make-up assignments. This plan should be registered with the AU 军事 and 学术的教练, who may request clarifications. 当学生偏离行动计划时,指导老师将得到非盟军事和学术教练的支持.